Below is a post written by some younger conservative Christians that has been forwarded all over the internet. Anyway, we thought we’d post it here. Hope you enjoy.
What’s interesting about this essay is that it provides new direction for younger, conservative Christians. Most of the essay attacks woke, effeminate Christianity, but it also is skeptical of the extreme boomer fundamentalism.
Woke Christianity: Is Contemporary Mainstream Christianity Gay?
Many younger conservatives are shocked by how effeminate mainstream Christianity has become.
A young Republican recently said, “I am leaving Christianity for the Asatru Folk Assembly. Christianity has become an open-borders, anti-White suicide cult, which is run by effeminate girly men.”
Are the current crop of mainstream pastors and priests effeminate? The groundbreaking survey on masculinity by Terman & Miles found that Christian pastors and priests were the second most effeminate group of males, next only to passive homosexuals.
In short, as one younger conservative puts it, "Mainstream Christianity today (aka Cuckstianity) is run by girly men. Just listen to some limp-wristed pastor or priest talking about how we need to accept and welcome Third World immigrants and refugees or crying like a homo about 'duh racism'."
This is a real problem that few people are addressing, so we will address it in the hope of saving Christianity.
We also want to address the point of how much Woke Christianity has infected mainstream Christianity, even so-called conservative churches. The reality is that Woke Christianity has deeply penetrated Christian churches but it often is stealth so people don’t notice until it is pointed out. Below are some warning signs to look for....
So, here’s the question: Are you in a woke, girly-man church?
Signs that you might be in a woke, girly-man church:
- Hearing effeminate pastors or priests talk about “welcoming refugees” or “assisting third world immigrants.” This is essentially facilitating the third world invasion of the West. Also be wary of shills who work for the sleazy refugee resettlement racket (which scams money off taxpayers) or the Cheap Labor Lobby that wants to flood the USA with third world legal immigration to drive down wages. Support of third world immigration and refugees is also a big litmus test to determine if someone is a gay, liberal Christian. The gold standard of Conservative Christianity is to support a complete moratorium on all third world immigration and refugees and to support the re-patriation of all third world invaders back to their ancestral lands. Be wary of anything short of this gold standard, as you’re getting into beta-male pro-immigration liberation theology.
- Hearing constant talk of “imager bearers.” As a number of conservatives have recently noted, imager-bearer theology is the new liberation theology. Image-bearer theology, a form of left-wing activism, is a Trojan Horse to champion every left-wing cause imaginable.
- Talk of “holistic” or “womb to tomb” pro-life ethic. This very idea comes from Soros-funded, left-wing think tanks who wanted to use “holistic” or “womb to tomb” language to hijack the pro-life movement into supporting various left-wing causes, like open-borders. Furthermore, the entire issue of abortion is largely a boomer issue; it does not rank very high as an issue among younger conservatives.
- Talk of “racial reconciliation” or its offshoot “Christian Unity.” Both these concepts come from Cultural Marxism and first were popularized among the gay community. Eventually liberal Christian pastors, like Jim Jones, exported these concepts from the gay community into the Christian community. As a number of conservatives have noted, both with “racial reconciliation” and its offshoot “Christian unity” there are underlying homoerotic tensions were white beta males seem to lust after powerful black men. Both these concepts are also anti-White in that they seek the dispossession of White people.
- Obsession with “anti-racism.” Some Marxist pastors or priests will even say things like “racism is a sin” or “racists will go to hell.” This is subversive and historically illiterate. The very idea of racism was first popularized by Cultural Marxists in the 1930s. Before this, 99% of the population would have been racist throughout all of history. (Ethnocentrism is normal, natural and healthy.) So what these Marxist, liberation-theology pastors are saying is “99% of all Christians throughout history are going to hell because they did not conform to the values of Cultural Marxism first popularized in the 1930s.”
- Refusing to denounce Critical Race Theory as anti-White. Critical Race Theory, an offshoot of Cultural Marxism, is an anti-White ideology that wants Whites replaced and blended out of existence. CRT demands that White statues be taken down, that streets named after Whites be renamed after non-Whites, and that historically White characters be played by non-Whites in movies. CRT also wants Whites blended out of existence via third world immigration and race mixing. This is why Cultural Marxists so obsessively push third world immigration, refugees, and race mixing. Be very weary of any pastor or priest who will not explicitly denounce CRT as anti-White.
Listen, salvation is open to all races. However, this does not mean that Whites (European-descended peoples) cannot oppose our own dispossession and it does not mean that Whites deserve to be replaced and blended out of existence.
- Saying they support "diversity” or DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion). As Robert Putnam showed in his famous decade-long study on diversity, racial diversity destroys social trust in neighborhoods, organizations, churches, schools, etc. The more diverse a place is, the lower the social trust. Both Diversity and DEI come from Cultural Marxism and both are anti-White. Diversity and DEI seek the dispossession of Whites and to blend White people out of existence.
- Complaining like homosexuals about "Christian Nationalism." Sovereignty is normal, natural, and healthy. The opposite of nationalism is globalism, an idea birthed by Marxism. Anyone opposed to nationalism is carrying water for globalists. There is nothing wrong with nation states refusing to let third worlders invader their countries and deporting those invaders already there.
- Pushing Cultural Marxist ideas like race and gender are "cultural constructs." The very phrase 'cultural construct' comes from Cultural Marxism. Both race and gender are biologically real. People genetically cluster into races and many organ transplants (like bone-marrow transplants) won't take unless the donor and recipient are of the same race.
- Pushing trash Christian "culture." Christians once produced greatness like Chartres and Bach, but now you have "Christians" producing ghetto trash like "Christian rap," which is the lowest IQ form of music ever produced. Many of the White Christians promoting this garbage are effeminate beta males who have homo-erotic tendencies toward black males.
- Pushing the cuckoldry lifestyle, which basically amounts to encouraging Whites to raise non-Whites instead of making White babies. This can manifest itself in numerous ways, such as White pastors having black guys impregnate their wives (like pastor Aaron Halbert ) or transracial adoption. Either way, it's anti-White. Cultural Marxism is extremely anti-White baby and wants to encourage Whites not to make White babies. Beware of any pastor or priest promoting these ideas.
- Saying they're "conservative" but only promoting neocons or cuckservatives. We are tired of neocon wars (whether in the Middle East or Ukraine) and their support of the third world invasion of the West. And we are tired of brainless cuckservative cheerleaders. To see if a pastor or priest is a true conservative, see if they promote VDare, American Renaissance, or Occidental Observer, the gold standards of conservative websites.
- Pushing retarded boomercuck fundamentalism like “young earth creationism,” anti-IFV fundamentalism, “abortion abolitionism,” and "Christian Zionism.” First, Young Earth Creationism is obviously false and will only appeal to people of low IQ. It is literally retarded. Second, anti-IFV fundamentalism is also retarded. IVF is conservative and pro-natalism; it is actually woke and anti-natalism to oppose IVF. It’s no coincidence that recently many Cultural Marxists came out against IVF on the grounds that they oppose Whites using IVF to make White babies but instead want Whites to be cuckolds and adopt blacks. This is sick. Third, The fundamentalist movement of “abortion abolitionism” is more than just being pro-life. It’s about being a LARPing beta male who is painfully ridiculous to watch. It’s no coincidence that “abortion abolitionists” are usually white beta males who have latent same-sex-attraction toward black males and are obsessed with preserving “the black seed.” Fourth, Christian Zionism is a heresy and is used to justify neocon / neoliberal wars in the Middle East. We are sick and tired of using our resources to fight neocon / neoliberal wars in the Middle East and Ukraine. Why are we defending the borders of foreign countries when our own US-Mexico border is under invasion? The US military needs to be moved to the US-Mexico border to defend our own country. And speaking of Christian Zionism, right now Israel is building a wall, refusing refugees, deporting Africans. We want the same for the West. A moratorium on all third world immigration and refugees and re-patriating those already here. No more double standards. In conclusion, fundamentalism often dovetails with Cultural Marxism and thus is often anti-White. It’s no coincidence that many fundamentalist men often are closeted anti-white homosexuals and that fundamentalism is often philosophical marxism.
- Saying they’re theologically conservative but they refuse to support the Christian parallel economy. is the homebase of the Christian parallel economy. This is the #1 site for both Conservative Christians and younger conservatives.
Why are we pointing these things out?
We prayed long and hard about the points above and here is what was revealed: Jesus agrees 100% with the points above. Jesus is sick of limp-wristed beta males turning Christianity into an open-borders, anti-White suicide cult.
Let's make a change. Let's help Christianity grow its balls back. Let's make Christianity conservative again.
A must-read reading list for conservative Christians:
A must-watch list of videos on Critical Race Theory (scroll down for full list).
A reading list for high IQ Christians.
A defense of Conservative Christianity.
What is Critical Race Theory? A must-read.
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This is an amazing, eye-opening article. I forwarded it to everyone I know, including all 200 members of my church. So tired of the open-borders, anti-White marxism of mainstream Christianity. Articles like this, which promote true Christianity, are a much needed correction.
Great piece. The liberal drift in Christian churches today is disheartening. Everyone needs to keep up the fight and forward the above article to all family members and acquaintances.